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Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

Certification of systems of quality management

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Throughout last decades all over the world an indispensable condition of successful activity of the Company is presence of certificate ISO 9000 (the Russian version of ГОСТ Р ИСО 9001-2008).

The number of the certificated enterprises promptly grows. In the conditions of forthcoming Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization presence of certificate ISO - reliable protection of business.

Considering an urgency of this point in question on the basis of department of standardization and certification of VNIIMP of V.M.Gorbatov the Body on certification of systems of quality management which is accredited by Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology (the accreditation certificate № РОСС RU.0001.13ИФ23) is created.

Problems: Performance of works on certification of systems of quality management of the enterprises on conformity to requirements of ГОСТ Р ИСО 9001-2008.

Accreditation area:
- Agriculture, fishery
- Foodstuff, drinks and tobacco
- Cars and the equipment
- Hotels and restaurants

We offer:
- Qualitative services in as much as possible short terms;
- The flexible price policy;
- Highly skilled advisers.

All works on certification of systems of quality management are carried out by the Rules established in System of certification of ГОСТР.

We invite you to cooperation on all questions, concerning the help in working out, documenting, introduction, maintenance in working order and certifications of system of quality management of your company.

The head of body on certification: Chernuha Irina
The deputy the head of Body on certification: LisitsynAndrey
Experts of Body on certification: AgamalievaKamalja

It is possible to address for more detailed information:
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


- Department of standardization, certification and quality management systems

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