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The project of technical regulations

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The present technical regulations of the Customs union «About safety of meat and meat production» are developed according to the Agreement on uniform principles and rules of technical regulation in Byelorussia, Republic Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation (further - the Agreement) and to execute point 23 of the Schedule of working out of prime technical regulations of the Customs union confirmed by the decision of the Commission of the Customs union from December, 8th, 2010 № 492.

The present technical regulations regulate norms on safety of meat and meat production, and also connected with requirements to meat and meat production of processes of manufacture, storage, realization, transportation, recycling (further - objects of technical regulation).

At application of technical regulations requirements of other corresponding technical regulations of the Customs union establishing the general requirements to all kinds of food production and connected with requirements to it to processes of manufacture, storage, transportation, realization and recycling, marks, conformity acknowledgement should be considered.

The purposes of acceptance of technical regulations are:
- Protection of life and (or) health of the person;
- The prevention of the actions misleading purchasers (consumers);
- Preservation of the environment.

One of important problems who is planned to solve also by acceptance of the given technical regulations, maintenance of harmonization of the requirements shown to meat and meat production, with Kodeks Alimentarius international standards and the European instructions in this area is.

The project of technical regulations is developed taking into account EU regulations, including:
- Regulations 852/2004/ЕС about sanitary-and-hygienic rules of manufacture of foodstuff;
- Regulations 853/2004/ЕС about special sanitary-and-hygienic rules of foodstuff of an animal origin;
- Regulations 854/2004/ЕС about the special rules, concerning the organizations official контролей concerning the products of an animal origin intended for the use in food by the person;
- Recommendations Codex Alimentarius of Norm and a rule of hygiene of meat (CAC/RCP 58-2005).

At the same time, a number of indicators of safety of meat and meat production is established according to Uniform sanitary-and-epidemiologic and hygienic requirements to the goods which are subject to sanitary-and-epidemiologic supervision (control), taking into account the purposes of acceptance of technical regulations of the Customs union, climatic and geographical factors, technological and other features.

One of key problems who is planned to solve by acceptance of the given technical regulations, elimination of superfluous administrative barriers to business development in sphere of manufacture and the reference of meat and meat production that will favorably affect development of small and average business in the given sphere is.

One of project overall objectives is introduction of the mechanism of management by risks with introduction of the industrial inspection, the analysis of danger including principles and control of critical points.

The participant of economic activities on manufacture and a turn of meat and meat production in customs territory of the Customs union bears the responsibility established by the current legislation of the Party.

Regulations acceptance will provide:
- Safety of meat and the meat production released in customs territory of the Customs union;
- Streamlining of the standard base necessary for safety of meat and meat production;
- Considerable level of harmonization with requirements of the international standards;
- Removal of barriers in trade;
- Creation of favorable conditions for introduction in manufacture of high technologies;
- Balance between necessary level of safety and level of technical and economic development of the Parties.


- Download draft technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of meat and meat products"

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