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Our partners

The general sponsor of actions of VNIIMP devoted to the 80 anniversary of the Institute:

Open Company "Meat-processing plant" the PavlovskayaSloboda»»





Open Company "Meat-processing plant" the PavlovskayaSloboda»»
Open Company "Meat-processing plant" the PavlovskayaSloboda»», letting out production under a trade mark "Velkom" – one of the most modern and dynamically developing meat-processing plants of the Moscow region who propagandizes a healthy food and lets out only natural, tasty, fresh and safe products.
"Velkom" - the first industrial complex in the Russian market, completely refused use of any substitutes of meat, including a soya, the GMO elements, amplifiers of taste, etc.
Special yellow label WITHOUT the SOYA on production Velkom - some kind of a marker for the buyer, signaling that the product doesn't contain harmful components. Strict sanitary control at each production phase guarantees food safety of all production of "Velkom".
The industrial complex provides a full cycle of manufacture from primary processing of live cattle before release of meat semifinished products and sausage products of various categories.
All production of the company Velkom is made from the natural cooled meat.

Sponsors of actions of VNIIMP devoted to the 80 anniversary of the Institute:

Meat-processing plant "Veles"






Meat-processing plant "Veles"
The meat-processing plant has been based in 1995. Today "Veles" is one of the largest enterprises of the food-processing industry of the Kurgan region and as a whole the Ural district. Sausages and meat delicacies of the company are successfully realized in trading networks Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Novosibirsk and Irkutsk areas. Per 2010 the meat-processing plant "Veles" became the absolute winner of competition of quality of sausages and meat delicacies who passed in frameworks of international exhibition IFFA (Frankfurt am Main). All 65 kinds of production have won 53 gold, 11 silver and 1 bronze medals.

Open Company PKF "Atlantis-Pak"




Open Company PKF "Atlantis-Pak"
The company is included into a three of the largest manufacturers of a plastic cover in the world and is the largest in Russia.
The company is certificated on conformity to requirements of standard ISO 9001:2000
General DirectorRyzenko Sergey (is a part of founders of the enterprise)
The assistant to general director Borodaev Sergey (is a part of founders of the enterprise)
Year of creation: 1993
Lines of activity:
Priority lines of activity of the company are:
- Manufacture of plastic packing for meat-processingand cheese-making industry (a cover for sausage products, packages for packing of meat products, cheeses),
- Manufacture of label production,
- Manufacture of components for the food-processing industry.
Geography of deliveries: more than 70 countries of the world (Northern and the South America, Europe, the countries of South East Asia, the CIS country).
Site, resources
The office and manufacture are located in picturesque area of the Rostov region. The enterprise territory makes 19 hectares. Number of employees – more than 2000 persons.
Capacities the enterprise makes basically the equipment of the leading foreign companies. In the enterprise property there is a motor car park numbering about 90 units technicians.
"Atlantis-Pak" has four branches: in Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Ekaterinburg and Novosibirsk, and also two representations - in Kiev (Ukraine) and Miami (USA), the branched out dealer network worldwide.

Open Company «Meat-processing plant Bogorodsky»




Open Company «Meat-processing plant Bogorodsky»
Meat-processing plant "Okraina" - the youngest manufacturer of a meat delicatessen in the Moscow region. It is based in 2006. It is constructed «from zero» in Noginsk area of Moscow Region. Capacities of a meat-processing plant are limited by 30 tons of production a day that allows to provide conditions for release of natural and safe sausages and delicacies. In 2008 at the enterprise the safety and quality system «HACCP – Meat» is introduced. Industrial complex production along with retail shops is presented in trading networks «Metro Cache andCarry», "Real", "Stokmann", «SPAR», «SedmoiKontinent»,Internet hypermarkets "Utkonos", shopping centers «Tvoy Dom», "Elgrad", «MAXcity», etc.

Open Company «MelnitsaPripravNesse»




Open Company «MelnitsaPripravNesse»
Our company is:
• the official representative in Russia of trade marks «Nesse» (Germany) and «Frutarom» (Israel);
• innovative decisions in meat-processing;
• wholesale deliveries flavouring and functional additives;
• three offices:
Moscow, +7(499) 166 78 72;
Perm, +7(342) 210 40 30;
Novosibirsk, +7(383) 200 21 18;
• distributionnetwork:
Ufa, "Spectrum";
Izhevsk, "Avers";
Krasnoyarsk, "Protein-sibir";
Chelyabinsk, "Agroservice".

Open Company «Group of companies PTI»




Open Company «Group of companies PTI»
The largest Russian manufacturer and the distributor of components for the food-processing industry. Production assortment totals more than 400 names of food additives for the meat industry, poultry-processing industry, fish, confectionery and dairy branches. Group of companies PTI makes functional and multipurpose mixes, aromatic mixes, extracts of spices, mixes of hydrocolloids, dyes, preservatives, texturing flour and texturing concentrates. Delivers isolated and concentrated soya proteins, animal and dairy squirrels. The company has the branched out network of distribution centers, covering the largest cities of Russia, the countriesnear and far abroad.

Open Company Industrial systems and technologies «ISIT»




Open Company Industrial systems and technologies «ISIT»
Founded in 1999, already more than 11 years hold strong positions in the branch market of IT services in the food industry. Mission of company ISIT from the moment of its basis - working out of the software for the enterprises as organic part of all productions.Our purpose - to transform a software into "participant" of continuous business dialogue equal in rights within the limits of all production cycles.
Open Company MPP Kampomos 2001-automation. A warehouse on 10.000 pallet places under control of WMS::ISIT
The robotized warehouse ("Dymov") 2005-first in Russia
2008-cores MPP of Moscow use software ISIT
2009-software ISIT – the optimum decision for work with networks
2010-software ISIT at the largest slaughter ("Agrobelogore")

Joint-Stock Company Industrial complex "Narecoprod"




Joint-Stock Company Industrial complex "Narecoprod"
The history of development of Naro-FominskMeat-processing plant totals already practically 40 years. Since 1972 we carefully collect and we store the best compounding and traditions of manufacture, we trace and we study modern lines and technologies, we select the best raw materials and components, we improve quality management system to correspond to high expectations and requirements of modern buyers. A result of our work, the output, favorite already generations is. Decades of experience and successful work, allow us to be assured that we on the right track and take the place in life.





Trading-industrial group of companies «TRADING HOUSE ARNICA», Vladivostok - one of the largest in the Far East in the market of technologies, deliveries of the equipment and components for the enterprises of all branches of the food and fodder industry, operating since 1993
TC "ARNICA" is the official distributor of known world manufacturers, carries out direct deliveries from the USA, the countries of Europe and Asia, working out of new technologies and new kinds of foodstuff, consultation with foreign and regular experts, granting of the technological documentation, improvement of professional skill of experts.

The center of standardization and certification of "Haljal" of Council of Muftis of Russia




The center of standardization and certification of "Haljal" of Council of Muftis of Russia
The center of certification of "Haljal", products a food, cosmetics, perfumery, medicines of Russia and the CIS countries. We offer system of voluntary certification, registered in Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology and, brought in the uniform register of systems of voluntary certification (№ РОСС RU.K560.04PXOO from March, 02nd 2009г), a uniform sign Haljal the industries of Russia and the Certificate of the international sample.
Production with this certificate is exported to the Muslim countries and is recognized by foreign businessmen since 2004.
Certification of "Haljal" is a constant quality assurance and safety of production.





Firm BHJ A/S branch, Denmark, the leading world manufacturer of functional animal protein SCANPRO ™, intended for use in manufacture of meat products.
Animal protein SCANPRO ™ possesses high emulsifying, gel-forming and water connecting abilities, is adequate replacement of meat raw materials, improves economy of a ready product, are simple in application.
The firm-manufacturer and Open Company "SCANPRO" give technological support proceeding from specific features of meat-processors, will organize seminars for experts abroad.

Open Company "Oregano"




Open Company "Oregano"
Successfully works in the market of food additives for manufacture of meat products ten years. Today the firm assortment makes more than 200 names. Complex functional mixes for manufacture of delicacies and ham – "Poltermishung Rot Superior", aroma of a Tyrolean ham «TirolerShinken Aroma», emulsifiers, thickeners, natural spices, and, certainly, the ready marinades fallen in love by all on an oil basis – Pushta, Pasadena, Meksikana, Avignon, Burgund, etc. for manufacture of natural semifinished products use special success.





Now the firm is known industrial-trading versatile structure in the market of complex deliveries of the specialized process equipment, accessories, expendable materials, technological stock and accessories for the food-processing industry enterprises

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