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About us

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More than 80 years VNIIMP of V.Gorbatov is the leading scientific organization of meat branch in the field of working out of fundamental and applied problems of biology, chemistry of meat, technics and the production technology of meat and meat products, processing of collateral raw materials.

The institute carries out fundamental and is priority-applied scientific researches within the limits of target government programs by request of the Russian academy of agricultural sciences, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture.

On scientific and institute information support is over 5 thousand meat-processing plants of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova. The institute is engaged in consulting activity on all questions of technology and technics of meat branch, performs works on orders of the whole regions and the separate enterprises.

The institute has the big authority on branch and has highly skilled experts. At institute 192 persons work, from them in scientific divisions 148 persons work. Among employees of VNIIMP are 2 academicians, 11 doctors and 40 candidates of science, 3 winners of the State awards of the Russian Federation and awards of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of a science and technics, 3 honored workers of a science of the Russian Federation, 24 persons have an academic status of the professor, the senior lecturer, the senior research assistant.

90 % of employees of institute are graduates of the Moscow institute of technology of the meat and dairy industry (nowadays: the Moscow state university of applied biotechnology - MSUAB). Annually 30-40 students of MSUAB pass industrial and externship in divisions of VNIIMP.

During 2006-2010 employees of institute had been published 994 scientific works.

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