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Doctoral studies ofVNIIMP of V.M.Gorbatov

In doctoral studies the persons having a candidate's degree are accepted.

The application for admission in doctoral studies moves addressed to the director with the appendix of following documents:
- A personal leaf on registration of personnel;
- 2 photos (3 х 4);
- A diploma copy about the higher vocational training and appendices to it;
- A copy of the diploma of the candidate of science;
- A copy of the certificate of the senior lecturer (at presence at the competitor of a corresponding academic status);
- The list of the published scientific and educational-methodical works;
- The project of the individual plan of preparation of the thesis for a doctor's degree;

The document proving the identity, and the diploma of the candidate of science are represented personally.

To the doctoral candidates enlisted in the account of estimated figures of reception at the expense of means of the budget, the state grants are paid. The grant is paid from the date of transfer, but not earlier than day of dismissal from the previous place of work.

Competitors of a scientific degree of the doctor of sciences the persons having a scientific degree of the candidate of science, the published proceedings (articles, monographies, inventions, patents and other materials, sustaining the contribution to a science), making in aggregate a basis for the thesis for a doctor's degree with possibility of its end within four years can be. The attachment of competitors for thesis for a doctor's degree preparation can be spent for the term of no more than 4th years.

In the course of training post-graduate students, doctoral candidates and competitors have possibility to participate in the international conferences and symposiums, to visit seminars, organized by the educational center of institute. The geography of foreign contacts is presented by following countries: Germany, Serbia, Denmark, South Korea, China, etc.

At institute the series of measures of support of post-graduate students and young scientists is actively realized: the grant of a name of V.M.Gorbatov, the Award of V.M.Gorbatov for the best scientific work of year, participation in competitions-grants (MSUAB, VNIIMP). Since 2010 Council of young scientists ofVNIIMP has organized the annual competition-grant «the Science young», devoted to the institute 80 anniversary (4 nominations: search work, scientific work, experimental work and methodical work).


- The application form for doctoral
- Fellowship of the GNU VNIIMP them. VM Gorbatov Agricultural

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