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Postgraduate study of VNIIMP of V.M.Gorbatov

The training purpose in postgraduate study - to prepare the dissertation, to receive the positive decision at dissertation discussion at session of section of the Academic council and before the termination of term of training to present it to dissertational council for the subsequent protection.
The primary goal of training in postgraduate study - independent scientific work - research in the chosen area which results are embodied in the dissertation.

Postgraduate study of VNIIMP carries out some the basic functions:
- Preparation of highly professional experts with a scientific degree,
- Formation of the faculty,
- Improvement of professional skill of research assistants.

Preparation of post-graduate students in VNIIMP is carried out on 7 scientific specialities. Once a year post-graduate students (competitors) pass certification.

The internal post-graduate student:
- Term of training 3 years;
- Postgraduate study free;
- Entrance examinations;
- The state grant is paid;
- A draft deferment;
- The hostel is given;
- A full employment of the working day (without a separation from the basic place of study).

The correspondence post-graduate student:
- Term of training 4 years;
- Postgraduate study free;
- Entrance examinations;
- There is a possibility to work on the full rate in any place (study in combination);
- The hostel is given at the moment of passing examinations of a candidate minimum and for the period of a writing of dissertational work.

The competitor:<
- Term of training till 5 years;
- Postgraduate study free;
- There are no entrance examinations;
- During free time from the basic work is engaged in the dissertation.

Delivery of candidate examinations - a necessary condition of consideration of the dissertation in dissertational council.
For scientific examination and carrying out of protection of dissertational works in VNIIMP the dissertational council accepting to consideration candidate and theses for a doctor's degree on 2 scientific specialities operates.

In case of successful protection of the dissertation on Dissertational council and its statement by the Higher certifying commission of the Russian Federation - to the graduate of postgraduate study the scientific degree of the candidate of science is appropriated.


Doctoral studies

Doctoral studies of VNIIMP provide preparation of experts of the higher scientific qualification for scientific, scientific and pedagogical, industrial and innovative fields of activity.

The purpose of the training based on a principle of profound self-education in a combination to high scientific activity and the academic mobility trained, is preparation of the thesis for a doctor's degree and reception of the higher scientific qualification - a scientific degree of the doctor of sciences. The document confirming the higher scientific qualification, the diploma of the doctor of sciences is.

Doctoral studies of VNIIMP are intended for improvement of professional skill of the faculty of institute, carrying out of serious scientific researches and reception of a scientific degree of the doctor of sciences by already taken place skilled scientists - candidates of science.

Preparation of doctoral candidates is carried out on two scientific specialties in the field of engineering science.

To doctoral candidates scientific advisers from among leading scientists of institute are appointed.

Transfer is passed on the basis of the decision of the Academic council of institute.

The doctoral studies are:
- Three years of purposeful work on the thesis for a doctor's degree;
- The state grant of VNIIMP;
- Annual vacation in two months;
- The right to returning to a former place of work;
- The right to a joint appointment.

Duration of training in doctoral studies: 3 years.



Managing postgraduate study: Svetlana Osipova, c.a.s.
Ph.: +7(495) 676-6971
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


- Doctoral
- Publications

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