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Council of young scientists of VNIIMP - relay race of generations!


Transfer of cumulated knowledge and attraction of young experts to discoveries are one of the basic motive forces of scientific and technical progress. Only the stored fundamental experience and modern representation about state development as uniform social and economic model, allow to carry out technical break at the expense of introduction of high technologies in various areas of a national economy. Not casually, support of a young science becomes one of the basic priorities of the state!

Council history

In the end of 2009 at the All-Russia scientific research institute of the meat industry of V.M.Gorbatov council of young scientists – a society based on voluntary membership and cooperation has been created. Council represents interests of young experts, research assistants and the post-graduate students of institute participating in research work. The purpose of activity of council – creation of conditions for development of scientific activity and assistance to professional growth of young scientists. In the activity council is guided by the institute charter, internal statutory acts and position about council of young scientists.

The organization and carrying out of the 3rd Conference of young scientists and experts of institutes of Branch «Storages and processing of agricultural production» of Russian Academy of agricultural sciences - «Maintenance of quality and safety of production of agriculture in modern social and economic conditions» became the first practical experience of council. Innovative technologies in the field of agriculture became a conference reference point. The conference subjects have united thorny questions of a modern science about agriculture. Problems conceptually-directed, basic researches and innovative technologies of agricultural processing, problem-oriented researches and original decisions in the field of storage and agricultural products processing have been mentioned. The questions, concerning the scientific contribution to realization of the priority national project «agrarian and industrial complex Development», modern technological decisions, the equipment, methodical and standard base, information systems, economic problems and agroindustrial integration, and also systems of quality and safety of production of agriculture were considered.

The conference program was interesting and sated. Scientific reports of young experts of institutes have been presented. Conference has passed at high scientific level, has involved a wide range of participants from scientific institutions and high schools. In conference has taken part more than 75 young experts from 14 scientific institutes. Participants of conference could familiarize with works as spent young experts ofRussian Academy of agricultural sciences, and possibility of direct contact and personal acquaintance with each other had the main thing.

Within the limits of conference has passed competition of scientifically-innovative works. On competition 70 scientific works of young scientists have been presented. By results of competition the best works awarded with monetary awards and costly presents have been chosen.

Carrying out of the first expanded meeting of council of young scientists of branch of storage and processing of agricultural production became a result of work of conference. At meeting strategic problems of council have been defined, posts of the vice-president of council and the secretary are confirmed, the plan of the further work is discussed.

Council problems:

- Participation in fundamental and applied researches on profile subjects for institute;
- Use of results of scientific researches in educational process, in scientific and practical activities;
- An establishment, maintenance and development of communications of young scientists of institute with scientific organizations of other high schools, scientists and experts;
- Assistance to realization of the international cooperation on lines of activity of institute in the field of a science and practical activities;
- Maintenance of young scientists with the information on spent scientific conferences, symposiums, congresses, seminars and other actions of the scientifically-informative maintenance;
- Assistance to the young experts trained in postgraduate study, doctoral studies by preparation of dissertational works regarding the description and registration of the received results, consultations at carrying out and planning of experimental researches etc.;
- Assistance to young experts in social questions (the petition for granting nonresident hostels, to the experts having a family the help in reception of family rooms in a hostel etc.).

The basic lines of activity of council are the organizations and carrying out of scientifically-practical seminars, conferences, round tables, etc. Council acts with initiatives about the publication of scientific results of young scientific articles in collections, creates databases and other information resources. Council can petition for representation of scientific works and perspective workings out of young scientists on competition of personal, collective awards, grants, awards, including governmental.

The rights and Council duties:

- Initiation of the scientific actions spent both at institute, and together with other organizations;
- Participation of young scientists of institute in the actions spent in other organizations;
- Rendering of information and organizational support by young scientist in preparation of demands for participation in scientific competitions and projects;
- The petition before a management of institutes about sending when due hereunder young scientists for participation in scientific conferences, including foreign;
- Placing of the information on council activity on an institute web site;
- Use of the information-technical resource which is available at institute.

In the activity, council should observe strictly the charter of institute and in due time inform a management on plans and initiatives. Besides, council work shouldn't put a damage of reputation of institute.

Council management

The supreme body of management of council of young scientists is general meeting of councilors which gathers not less often than 1 time a year. Development of the basic strategic lines of activity, elections of board of council, acceptance of positions concerns the general meeting competence about council and election of the chairman and its assistants, for no more than for 3 years. Councilors can fail to trust the chairman if it for any of several reasons doesn't cope with the duties assigned to it, and to raise the question about its preschedule re-election at general meeting. General meeting decisions are accepted simple by a majority of votes by voting by show of hands at quorum not less than 2/3 from total number of councilors.

The current management is carried out by council board which structure includes the chairman, its assistant and the secretary. The structure of the basic council makes 11 persons, including council board. All councilors are Cand.Tech.Sci., from them 4 – heads of structural divisions of institute. The board gathers not less often than 1 time a half-year and scheduling concerns its functions for year, general meeting convocation, summarizing of work and the decision of operative questions. Board work is supervised by the deputy director on scientific work which is the direct coordinator of council. The general management of activity of board and council is carried out by the director of institute.

The chairman of the council is operating member of an academic council of institute and will coordinate questions of activity with a management, and also represents interests of council in mutual relations with structural divisions and other organizations. Councilors are the employees of institute representing structural divisions.

Any young scientist of institute aged till 35 years, the having diploma about higher education and expressed desire to enter council structure on which should inform directly chairman or its assistant and the secretary can become the councilor. Registration of new councilors is carried out by the secretary. Councilors have the right to make offers in directions of work and to be supported from council in the scientific activity. Into duties of councilors enter: participation in council sessions, actions, организуемых and spent by council; performance obligatory for council of decisions of general meeting, board and the coordinator.

Today of Council

For today, council takes active part in work of council of young scientificRussian Academy of agricultural sciences. Council board takes part in meetings of council of young scientists of Russian Academy of agricultural sciences on which directions of scientific activity of councils of academy and the organization of a uniform information platform for branch institutes, by means of Internet site creation are discussed. Also, questions on creation of the general analytical and technological base for increase in scientific potential of the researches which are carried out by young scientists and experts of institutes of academy are considered.

Young scientists and experts of institute are constant participants and numerous winners of competitions-grants, организуемых the scientific organizations and educational institutions. And since 2010 council of young scientists of VNIIMP has organized the annual competition-grant devoted to the 80 anniversary of institute and directed on support of young experts. It is spent in four nominations: search work, scientific, experimental and methodical. This year grants have received – S.Burlakova, S.Gorbatov, O.Egorov and M.Krasnova. Winners of this competition have possibility within 3 months to receive additional financing of the scientific work, including and dissertational.

Besides, councilors annually represent the scientific works on competition of the annual grant of Vasily Gorbatov. This year were awarded:

- A.Popova for working out of assortment and highly effective technology of products on the meat basis, enriched essentialnutrients, young sportsmen promoting productivity;
- L.Fedulova for influence studying of fatty acid structure of meat products on concentration of cholesterol in blood and a current of an experimental hypercholesterolemia at laboratory animals.

Council of young scientists of VNIIMP founds the reading and writing which is handed over for the personal contribution to development fundamental and applied researches in field of knowledge about meat, working out of technological, economic, ecological and methodical processes of processing of meat, for the reached labor successes and practical introduction of research results, institute workings out, and also for active participation in council work. This year by the letter of commendation have been noted 17 young scientists and experts of institute.

Young scientists of institute exchange scientific experience with domestic and foreign colleagues, participating in joint projects, researches and workings out. Results of scientific works of young experts are reported at numerous conferences, seminars, symposiums etc., including international.

Creation of council of young scientists and experts in all-union scientific research institute of the meat industry of V.M.Gorbatov is sign event in the field of scientific knowledge of agriculture. Attraction and transfer of huge scientific experience of youth is defining stimulus of development of the Russian agricultural science, after all in many respects and well-being and safety of our country will depend on it in the future.

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