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The editor-in-chief: AndreyLisitsyn
Responsible for release: Michael Iskakov
Subscription and distribution: Olga Karzheva

Correct and fast decisions are necessary always, and as their basis the qualitative in-formation from reliable sources should serve only. Such source some years is the monthly «an information-analytical review the Market of meat and meat products». Conclusive pre-property of the edition is its branch accessory: she allows to provide optimum selection of the information and its urgency.

Pulse of the market needs to be felt - it is necessary to watch closely it, therefore the magazine «an information-analytical review the Market of meat and meat products» is engaged in it constantly, professionally giving to the readers statistical calculations and results of the analysis I flow-Russian cabbage soup situations in the market of meat and meat products, - all that allows to operate in the market confidently and operatively.

We monthly publish state-of-the-art reviews and the statistical materials, productions characterizing a dynamics, a raw-material base condition, import of meat products and raw materials for processing, the block of the price information (the price for cattle-breeding raw materials, cost prices of the enterprises and consumer prices of production) and others. To present tendencies of development of meat industry in the world the foreign information which you will find in a review will help. We inform our readers on official materials in the field of meat business in Russia, we acquaint with materials on meat industry, the market of meat and the meat products, placed in mass-media.

If you want to know, than live and as the branch enterprises what release of new products was mastered by factories as the raw-material base in your region as the prices for raw materials and meat production change will develop that there is in the market of import meat raw materials, what quality of production presented in the domestic consumer market as the separate regional markets and many other things you – our potential reader function work!

We offer you new service – a subscription to electronic mailing of magazine «an information-analytical review the Market of meat and meat products». It will allow you practically in real time to receive the actual information, in due time to get acquainted with state-of-the-art reviews and the statistical materials characterizing dynamics of production, a condition base raw materials-howl, import of meat products and raw materials for their manufacture, the block of the price information - the prices for cattle-breeding raw materials, cost prices of the enterprises and consumer prices of production. Before-put a tendency of development of the meat industry the foreign information will help with the world. We in-is formed readers about official materials of the authorities having branch value.

We will be very glad, if our cooperation in scientifically-practical sphere leaves on new level, and you become readers of our magazines. Having subscribed for our magazines: «All about meat - the theory and practice of processing of meat», «an information-analytical review the Market of meat and meat products», you have an opportunity among the first to learn about last achievements of a branch science, to find optimum decisions for the practical problems., In turn, new readers-experts are interesting to us to that through them, that is through you, feedback of Institute with the industrial environment - communication the extremely important for development of a science and for an effective utilization of innovations in practice extends.

Legislations regulating performance of works:
- The law of the Russian Federation from December, 27th, 1991 N 2124-I «About mass media»;
- The civil code of the Russian Federation.

The magazine is registered in Rossvjazohrankultura.
Registration № ФС77-35360 from February, 20th, 2009
«The information-analytical review the Market of meat and meat products» is published since 2006
Periodicity of an exit of the edition - monthly.

Cost of an annual subscription to the paper version - 2 376.00 rbl (including the VAT).
Cost of an annual subscription to the electronic version - 2 548.80 rbl(including the VAT).

Concerning a subscription to address in edition - Karzheva Olga, Ph.: +7(495) 676-6411, demands for a subscription to send by fax: +7(495) 676-6101.

The address: 109316, Moscow, Talalihina, 26
Ph.: +7(495) 676-64-11, fax: +7(495) 676-61-01
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


- Download a coupon for a monthly subscription of information-analytical review "The market for meat and meat products"
- Journal "Information-analytical review of market of meat and meat products" for 2011

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