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The announcement of competition

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The medal of a name of V.Gorbatov is awarded personally for outstanding scientific works, opening and inventions or on set of works of the big scientific and practical value, with a view of encouragement of scientists of Russia working over the decision fundamental and is priority-applied researches in the field of a science about meat, for scientific achievements of the experts working in the meat industry, for effective introduction of scientific achievements in manufacture.

Order of registration and representation of demands

Establishments, the organizations and the separate persons who have put forward candidates on competition of the Medal, represent till September, 15th 2011. Following materials (in printing (1 copy) and an electronic kind (after e-mail or the electronic carrier):
- Motivated representation with instructions of the name of the work, including the scientific characteristic of work reflecting it an urgency, novelty, short results, the practical importance of work for development of a meat science or the industry (for science officers) or representation about introduction of scientific achievements in manufacture (for workers of the enterprises of meat branch);
- Data on the author: a surname, a name, a patronymic, scientists degree and a rank, year of birth, a place of work and a post, the work experience, office and the home address, an e-mail, contact phone numbers and a fax; 
- The list of the basic scientific works, patents in a subject of represented work. 

Materials of demands with an inscription «On competition of a medal of V.Gorbatov» are represented to the address:
109316, Moscow, street Talalihina, 26, VNIIMP of V.Gorbatov
Ph.: +7(495) 676-9511, +7(495)676-9317
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Download: Положение о порядке присуждения медали имени В.М.Горбатова за научные достижения и производственные успехи в мясной промышленности

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