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VNIIMP - the winner of competitions

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The Gorbatov’s All-Russian Meat Research Institue (VNIIMP) - the winner of competitions at exhibitions «Golden autumn - 2011» and «AgroProdMash - 2011».


Gold medals at an exhibition "Golden autumn - 2011" have been conferred on VNIIMP for:



- development of technology of "Active" packing on the basis of natural and synthetic polymers for manufacture and storage of meat semifinished products;

- development and introduction of production technologies of meat products with use of traditional and nonconventional raw materials, vitamins and minerals;

- development of technology and introduction in manufacture of boiled sausage products for a food of children of preschool and school age, a trade mark "Kolbaster";

- development of technology and introduction in manufacture of sausages "Knekibol";


The gold medal at an exhibition "AgroProdMash - 2011" have been conferred on VNIIMP for:



- high indicators of quality «the Sample of installation for vertical cutting and a boning of pork carcasses of mark Я8-ФВО» at an exhibition «AgroProdMash – 2011».

"Active" packing on the basis of natural and synthetic polymers for manufacture and storage of meat semifinished products allows to increase periods of storage till 20 days at temperature +2 + 6°С. Compositions of the antimicrobic additives put on adsorbing napkins are developed, by manufacture of the meat semifinished products packed under vacuum and in modified atmosphere; allowing to extend terms of their storage till 20 days at preservation of high quality indicators.

Economic calculation has shown that on 1 napkin the area of 250 sm2 20 ml of the antimicrobic structure which cost makes 0,5 rbl are necessary.

Using of the developed antimicrobic structure will promote preservation of quality indicators of semifinished products, but will lead to insignificant rise in price of a product.

Sausages "Knekibol" in glasses for a secondary warming up are made of beef, pork, the salted pork fat, cheese, a flour wheaten, starch, milk, eggs chicken, melange, salt and spices. Shelf life of sausages packed into plastic glasses in the conditions of modified gas atmosphere, from the moment of termination of technological process at temperature of storage from 0 to 6°С - no more than 12 days.


Development of laboratory of technology of children's, treatment-and-prophylactic and specialized products together with Open Company "Vostryakovo-2" have allowed to create new generation of the sausage products "Kolbaster" enriched with vitamins and minerals, on structure and food value adequate to specificity of food for children is more senior three years, and also for a dietary food of children and the adults predisposed to a food allergy, anemias, deficiency of calcium, zinc, iodine and vitamins.

National traditions, the scientific approach, the modern equipment, excellent ecologically safe meat raw materials and the reliable monitoring system of manufacture guarantee that specialized meat products will bring the contribution to formation of health of the future generations.

Installation Я8-ФВО is intended for cutting of carcasses and semi-carcasses of pigs, and also for a boning of carcasses. The set of advantages, the main things from which is required from a vertical boning less than physical efforts as carcasses fall off in vertical position, the special design of a substrate similar to "book", allows boning and cutting carcasses of any fatness and size and as the given installation can be easily adapted in the automated lines.

VNIIMP is always glad to help the enterprises with development of innovative decisions, and also in research sphere.

VNIIMP of V.M.Gorbatov at an exhibition «Gold autumn-2011» has received a silver medal «For effective information support of agrarian and industrial complex».

The institute has been awarded by this medal for the edition of journals «All about meat», «The market of meat and meat products», for development of standards and industry engineering specifications, for training and improvement of professional skill of meat industry experts in the Educational Center.


The educational center, created 15 years ago for improvement of professional skill of meat industry experts, today is almost unique technically high-equipped structure in Russia, which is based both on domestic, and on foreign (Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, France, Canada, etc.) lecturing potential.

In the Educational center meat industry experts of Russia, and also the former union republics (Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Belarus) are trained. Everything, on the average in a year, it is trained about 600 experts. For the past 3 years training have passed nearby 2000 persons.

The journal «All about meat - the theory and practice of meat processing» is published since 1998. It is scientific journal which is a source of actual information for a wide range of experts, heads of the enterprises, scientists.

«All about meat» is capable to bring considerable advantage to experts, heads of the companies and experts in marketing, as a source of new professional knowledge. It contains data on the actual tendencies caused by scientific, economic and standard factors. The journal contains scientific and technical information on new domestic and foreign achievements in meat science, technician and production technology of meat and meat products.

The information-analytical review «The market of meat and meat products» is published since 2009. The journal provides industry experts with state-of-the-art reviews, statistical materials which characterize dynamics of production, a raw-material base condition, import of meat products and raw materials for manufacture, the operative information which allows workers of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation and experts of Russian Academy of Agricultural sciences, and also all experts of the meat industry, to make correct and fast decisions. In journal official materials on the meat industry, the market of meat and the meat products, placed in mass-media are printed.

The Gorbatov’s All-Russian Meat Research Institue (VNIIMP) - the winner of competitions at exhibitions «Golden autumn - 2011» and «AgroProdMash - 2011».

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