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The meat congress

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The first Meat congress at an exhibition «Agroprodmash 2011»

On October, 12th within the limits of the business program of 16th international exhibition «Agroprodmash 2011» has taken place the first Meat congress «Development Priorities. Economic efficiency bases. Competitiveness. Changes in the food legislation».

As the assistant of General director of "Expocentre"  M.P.Tolkachev's noted, welcoming participants of the congress: «Occurrence in the business program of similar action essentially raises the status of an exhibition and interest to it from experts».

The congress has been organized by the Gorbatov’s All-Russian Meat Research Institute of the Russian academy of agricultural sciences with the support of Joint-Stock Company "Expocentre".

Action has passed in a format of the performances, open dialogues and live discussions. Over 100 manufacturers and processers of meat, scientific experts, advisers for technics and the equipment, experts of the market, purchasers and suppliers of raw materials and many other experts of the agrofood market have taken part in discussion of changes in the food legislation, technical regulation of the meat industry, discussions on a theme of safety and competitiveness of production of branch.

The choice of a place, the form of action and its idea have been dictated, first of all, by necessity to lift on new level interaction in branch between a science and manufacture, to inform to audience of data on possibilities of practical use of achievements of science and technology, information technology. Serious changes expect sphere of technical regulation of branch within the limits of the Customs union.

Practical interest was represented by the performances devoted to actual problems of grocery marketing – to advancement of products, assortment policy, optimization of schemes of cutting, a strategy choice in interaction with trading networks. During the congress reports of leading experts of meat branch have sounded.

With the report on a condition, increase of efficiency of meat branch and science development on meat the chairman of the board of noncommercial partnership «the National union of Meat processors», the deputy director on economic relations and marketing of VNIIMP A.N.Zaharov has acted.

Photo gallery of the Meat congress.

Further, in the first part of the program of the congress reports have sounded:

«Decrease in expenses in the meat industry by means of modern branch IT Decisions» – I.V.Demin, the general director of Open Company "TSSB-SYSTEMS ";

«Novelties of the equipment for effective work of meat-processing enterprises» – A.A.Garbuzov, the general director of Open Company "DEFT";

«Economic efficiency of deep processing of fowl» – T.F.Truhina, the senior research assistant of VNIIPP Rosselhozakademii;

«Features of positioning of sausages and meat delicacies in the regional markets» – E.A.Vorontsova, the general director of Open Company «AgroMediaGroup».

The second part of the congress has been devoted problems of technical regulation and rationing. Reports have been presented:

«Modern legislative and standard base in the field of maintenance of quality and safety of foodstuff» - S.A.Hotimchenko, the head of laboratory of Institute of a food of the Russian Academy of Medical Science;

«New in technical regulation in the field of manufacture of meat and meat production» – A.A.Semenova, the deputy director on scientific work of VNIIMP of V.M.Gorbatov.

«About an establishment of uniform obligatory requirements to marks of food production» – O.A.Kuznetsova managing department of standardization and control systems by quality of VNIIMP of V.M.Gorbatov;

«Practice of working out of international trading standards of UNECE on meat and prospects of their application in Russian Federation» – V.V.Guschin, the director of VNIIPP Rosselhozakademii;

«Development of Halal industry in Russia» – J.I.Rikov, the director of department of development of the standard "Halal" of the international Center of standardization and certification of "Halal" of Russian Council of muftis.

All performances have caused a keen interest of listeners that speaks about an urgency of the offered program. The regulations not always sufficed lecturers to answer all questions after performances, and dialogue with audience in a break and on the congress termination moved to a hall of buffet tables where tables with tasting production from Congress partners have been placed.

In a break between sections journalists of RBC TV channel have interviewed B.E.Gutnik, the Chief specialist on public relations of VNIIMP of V.M.Gorbatov Rosselhozakademii and A.Haritonova, the chief of department of insurance in agriculture of the insurance company.

The first Meat congress became a place of an exchange of expertize business meetings between participants, acquaintances which, for certain, will appear useful both to listeners and lecturers.

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