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Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

Position about IL

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Position about test industrial laboratory (IL) at the enterprises of the meat industry is intended for experts of the enterprises of meat branch and regulates questions, in particular:
- Structure and states of test industrial laboratories of the enterprises of the meat industry (further - IL);
- Functions IL;
- The rights, responsibility and improvement of professional skill of employees IL;
- Duty regulations of employees IL (from the head to the laboratorian);
- For the first time modern norms of expenses of working hours on performance of principal views of laboratory researches in IL for such experts, as microbiologists, chemists, histologists, radio biologists, tasters are resulted;
- Norms of expenses of chemical reactants, nutrient mediums both auxiliary materials and other similar questions.

The price (taking into account the VAT) - 11800 roubles.

Яндекс цитирования Яндекс.Метрика