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I congress of NMU

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I съезд национального союза мясопереработчиков

On March, 16th within the precincts of all-union scientific research institute of the meat industry of a name of V.Gorbatov the first congress of noncommercial partnership «The National Meat-Processors Union » (NMU) has taken place. Representatives of the companies-founders of new public organization have taken part in congress. As observers were present about thirty heads and the owners of the enterprises of the meat branch who have shown basic interest in work NMU, at that together with colleagues on shop to defend the interests in structures executive and legislature, to protect prestige of domestic meat products in the opinion of consumers.

«The meat industry remains to one of few food branches, which else keeps an impact of transnational corporations, – chairman of the board NMU Sergei Shmelev – and to us hasn'ted in the report to keep positions, it is necessary to hope, first of all, not for wisdom of the power, not on decency of retalers and patriotism of consumers, and on itself». Consumer conservatism in many respects helps to keep the status quo in home market of meat products, but also it is exposed to strong enough test by mass media: it is enough to remember variety of tendentious telecasts and newspaper publications of year prescription after which all manufacturers have felt on themselves essential decrease in sales of sausage products. Have suffered not only and not so much "heroes" of those plots, how many diligent participants of the market.

Dialogue with the state also is necessary for development of decisions which would consider interests of meat branch. At the given stage of development of economy and the state collective lobbying of interests became unique way to inform the voice to those authorities in which the decisions having vital importance for a sustainable development of the separate enterprises and meat branch as a whole are made.

Conducted congress the chief specialist on public relations of VNIIMP B.E.Gutnik, with reports have acted: the head of working group, the general director of Limited Liability Corporation «Natur pro» A.E.Groshev, the chairman of the board «the National Meat-Processors Union» S.N.Shmelev, the head of control committee NMU, the general director of Public corporation «Obninsk sausage factory» A.A.Kosinsky.

The work plan can be divided conditionally into three parts on lines of activity: marketing, communications with state and public organizations, communications with the consumer.
Marketing efforts are equitable, first of all, to interests of members of the Union and are directed on market research, development of brand NMU, working out of the code of members « the National Meat-Processors Union».

Communications with authorities and public organizations have for an object lobbying of interests of branch. It decided to prepare and spend with assistance of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation the All-Russia meeting of heads мясоперерабатывающих the enterprises. NMU the Interbranch advisory council on development of the consumer market – association which develops will make an application on the introduction in and offers the state laws and amendments to laws which, anyhow, influence all food market. The Interbranch advisory council includes the unions and associations of the majority of food branches and trade enterprises, but the meat branch in it isn't presented till now.

Communications with the consumer are an important line of activity of the National Meat-Processors Union, and urged to raise loyalty of the domestic consumer to meat products. НСМ should become for journalists a source of the objective and timely information on meat products, about production technologies and about participants of the meat market.

The first congress has confirmed board NMU structure, and the chairman of the board and has accepted the plan of work for 2011.

One of the main tasks of board congress named attraction of new members of the Union to raise its capacity and the importance in the opinion of a society and the power. Attraction of new members of the Union was served also by its first congress: the majority of present heads of the companies which were present on it as observers, have expressed desire to join to the National Meat-Processors Union and to participate in work of its constant bodies.

Representatives of mass-media can address for the additional information to Chairman of the board the National Meat-Processors Union, to Shmelev Sergei:
Ph.: +7(985)762-0793, +7(495)676-7471
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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