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Check of meat production “Velkom”

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In VNIIMP of V.M.Gorbatov has arrived the reference from Open Company “Meat-processing plant Pavlovskaya Sloboda” (Velkom) with the request to carry out monitoring and an independent expert appraisal of production of the enterprise on absence in it of a soya and GMO. The institute has agreed to examine with publication of the received results on a site A consent condition was publication of all results of examination.

During the period since December 2010 till April 2011 in shops of Moscow the following production has been selected and checked up:

№ п/п The kind and the name of production
Technical documentation (TD), according to which is issued production

Boiled sausages:
ГОСТ Р 52196-2003
1. Doctor's
2. Veal
Sausages: ГОСТ Р 52196-2003
The dairy

Small sausage: ГОСТ Р 52196-2003

Half-smoked sausages: ГОСТ 16351-86
4. Hunting
5. Krakow
6. Odessa

Smoked sausages: ГОСТ 16131-86
7. Braunschweig

Based on the results of testing Institute has confirmed absence of a soya and GMO in meat production let out by Open Company “Meat-processing plant Pavlovskaya Sloboda” (Velkom).
Reports of researches.
VNIIMP is ready to make independent checks of meat production of any manufacturer on absence in it GMO and the soya.

Order of carrying out of check:
1. Examination of TD on absence of possibility of use of raw materials containing GMO. (For already developed TD, Institute it is not made)
2. Sampling of meat production at trade enterprises. 
3. VNIIMP checks production on absence in it GMO and the soya using methods: 
- The qualitative analysis. Method PCR (ГОСТ Р 52173-2003);
- Specific identification of raw structure by method PCR (ГОСТ 52723-2007) for a soya.
4. At absence in meat production of a soya and GMO - granting of the right of marks of meat products by variants of inscriptions:
- «Without a soya. It is confirmed by Institute of the meat industry»;
- «Doesn't contain GMO. It is confirmed by Institute of the meat industry»
5. Placing of the corresponding information on a site

For production check on absence in it of a soya and GMO to address in the center of intellectual property of VNIIMP.

The head of the center - Trifonov Michael, PhD
Ph.: +7(495)676-6251
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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