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Journal «All about meat»

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Journal “All about meat” has been published by the FGBNU V.M. Gorbatov All
Russian Meat Research Institute (VNIIMP) since 1998. The journal is addressed to those who see in the concept of the “knowledge economy” the formula of sustainable development. The journal pages propose the solutions to the difficult industrial tasks. Therefore, the advertising offers which open the prospects for innovations are of great interest to the journal audience. “All about meat”, first of all, is a scientific journal, which for more than 15 years has been a source of the topical information for a wide circle of practitioners, heads of enterprises and scientists. The journal “All about meat” is the reviewed edition of the Supreme Attestation Commission (postgraduate study, doctoral program). Correct and quick solutions are always necessary and only quality information from reliable sources should be their basis. Cooperation with the journal “All about meat” facilitates the recognition by the academic community in our country and abroad, the establishment of the scientific and business relations with colleagues from Russian academic institutions and industrial enterprises.

The personnel of the editing and publishing direction perform the complete cycle of work on publishing the journal:
- Interviewing the heads of meat industry enterprises;
- Selecting and editing scientific and industrial articles;
- Writing information materials; - Editing authors’ articles;
- Journal imposition;
- Subscribing to and distributing the journal;
- Searching for advertisers;
-Participating in industry shows.
We invite you to publish your works in the journal “All about meat”, which is known for a long time to the academic community and meat industry specialists for its contribution to meat science. We would be glad to work together with you so that the advanced experience not only of Russian but international science would be available to the readers through the journal “All about meat”, and the journal would facilitate the establishment of scientific and business relations. Legislations regulating performance of work:
- ISO 9001”Quality management systems – Requirements”;
- GOST R ISO 9001”Quality management systems – Requirements”;
- Decision of the Presidium of VAK No 8/13 of March 02, 2012;
- Conclusion of the Presidium of VAK No 22/49 of May 25, 2012;
- Informative letter of the Department of attestation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No 13- 3337 of 02.07.2015; - Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No 793 of July 25, 2014;
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No 560 of June 03, 2015;
- Decree of the RF Government No. 9 of 26.01.2012;
- The Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 4, sector VII.
Rights on the results of the intellectual activity and means of individualization (1225-1551);
- The law of the Russian Federation “On mass media” No. 2124-1 of December 27, 1991;
- National Standard of the Russian Federation “System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing.
Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words in the Russian language. General requirements and rules” The subscription to the journal “All about meat” for 2015 is under way. We would be glad if our cooperation in scientific and practical sphere reach a new level and you become a reader of our journals. By subscribing to the journal “All about meat” you’ll get an opportunity to learn among the first about the most recent advances of the branch science and find optimal solutions to your practical tasks. In turn, the new readers, specialists in meat industry, are interesting for us because through them (i.e. through you) the feedback link between the Institute and the production community is extended, which is very important for science development and effective use of innovations in practice. You can subscribe to the journal through:
- Journal editorial staff; - OJSC Rospechat Agency (Subscription index in the joint catalogue: 81260);
The electronic version of the journal is on the site:
The journal is registered in Rossvjazohrankultura Registration No.: 016822 of 24.11.97 
ISSN 2071-2499 Periodicity:
6 issues a year It has been published since January, 1998
Our address: Talalikhina 26, Moscow, 109316 Tel./ fax: +7(495) 676-7291, Tel.: +7 (495) 676-9351
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
The necessary information for authors - Requirements for submission of manuscripts for publication in the journal “All about meat”;
- An article review;
- A contract for an author;
- A contract for a group of authors.
Articles presented by an author (authors) with violation of any requirements for publication or with incomplete package of documents will not be registered in the Journal “Entry of scientific articles” and printed in the journal “All about meat”.
- Publisher's imprint
- Subscription coupon for 2015
-Quality management system Process Regulations for “Editing and publishing activity”
- Readers questionnaire of the journal ”All about meat”
- On-line submission of an article: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
- The article published in the journal ”All about meat”, issue 3, 2013 (as an example)

The journal ”All about meat” for 2015
The journal ”All about meat” for 2014
The journal ”All about meat” for 2013
The journal ”All about meat” for 2012
The journal ”All about meat” for 2011
The journal ”All about meat” for 2010
The journal ”All about meat” for 2009
The journal ”All about meat” for 2008
The journal ”All about meat” for 2007

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