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Laboratory of technology of children's, treatment-and-prophylactic and specialized products


Laboratory of technology of children's, treatment-and-prophylactic and specialized products

The laboratory is organized in 1973. From now on till 2010 the permanent head was doctor of technical sciences, the prof., the winner of the award of the government of the Russian Federation - Alexander Vasilevna Ustinova which continues to work in laboratory as the main research assistant.

During existence of laboratory by experts on a meat basis basic technologies and the big assortment of foodstuff are developed for healthy and sick children of early, preschool and school age, and also products of treatment-and-prophylactic action, in particular a dietary and functional direction:
- Canned food - meat, meat-plant, plant-meat for children is more senior 6 months (including sick of an anemia, a rickets, a food allergy, etc.);
- Sausage products – boiled (for children is more senior 3th years) and half-smoked (for children is more senior 6th years);
- ham products;
- Semifinished products – natural lumpy and cutted (meat, meat-plant, with addition of groats);
- First to use first and second dishes ready to the use for baby food;
- Specialized and treatment-and-prophylactic products for an adult population food, including for preventive maintenance of adiposity, a cardiovascular pathology etc.;
- Canned food for a food of pregnant and feeding women;

To manufacture of products on a meat basis sanitary-and-hygienic requirements are developed for baby food, including industrial inspection system.

The general directions of scientific and industrial activity:

- Complex studying and a substantiation of requirements to quality and safety of the meat raw materials intended for manufacture of products of baby food, research of new raw sources;
- Creation of wide assortment of meat products for various social groups of the population (children's, functional, treatment-and-prophylactic, pregnant and feeding), taking into account last achievements of a science about a food, the modern equipment and perspective kinds of container; participation in the organization and development of release of products of a children's, functional and treatment-and-prophylactic food;
- Working out of composite and quantitative structure of complex food additives (including vitamin-mineral premixes, biologically active additives) for products of children’s and specialized food;
- Development of theoretical fundamental knowledge in the field of a complex estimation of quality and adequacy of products on a meat basis for children by means of creation of mathematical criteria and formulas;
- Working out of a technological part of projects of factories (shops) on release of meat products of baby food;
- Participation in working out of technical regulations, sanitary rules, sanitary-and-hygienic requirements to manufacture of products of baby food;
- Working out of concepts and programs on children’s and specialized food;
- Preparation of scientific shots in the field of a children's and specialized food, improvement of professional skill of workers of the enterprises mastering release of products of a children's and specialized food.

Scientific and industrial achievements

More 30 years ago employees of laboratory were at the beginnings of origin in our country of the industry of baby food on a meat basis, for the first time having organized industrial release of canned food for a food of children of early age in Tihoretske (Krasnodar territory), in Orsha (republic Belarus), settlement Faustovo (the Moscow region). Theoretical and practical bases of designing recipe structure, main principles of technology homogenized canned food on a meat basis for a food of children of early age have been put, parameters and modes of their manufacture are proved. Now on technologies and the compounding developed by experts of laboratory, let out canned food for children of early age the specialized enterprises of baby food – LLC "Vimm-bill-Dann", LLC "UniMilk", Joint-Stock Company "Boor-fuds", etc.

On the basis of complex researches the assortment of domestic sausage products and semifinished products for a food of children of preschool and school age for the first time has been created. All products of baby food are developed according to features of metabolic processes in a children's organism, adapted for children of various age groups, enriched by necessary nutrients, and vitamins.

Requirements to cultivation and manufacture of the organic meat raw materials intended for manufacture of products of a "healthy" food are in a complex studied and proved, trimming and uses of raw materials schemes of rational cutting are developed for manufacture of products of baby food.

On the basis of the modern theoretical data and experimental researches to structure, quality and safety of products on a meat basis the scientifically-proved requirements are developed for a food of healthy and sick children of various age groups.

According to metabolic features of an organism theoretical bases of creation of a series of products on a meat basis of a functional purpose are developed:
- For a food of pregnant and feeding women;
- For a food of people of the advanced age, suffering diseases of the impellent device;
- For a treatment-and-prophylactic food of people at various pathologies.

Efficiency of products is confirmed by the tests spent at Institute of a food of the Russian Academy of Medical Science and in experiences on laboratory animals.

From 2000 for 2010 185 names of specialized meat products, including enriched with high-grade protein, vitamins, minerals and food fibres are developed, many of which are introduced and successfully are issued at the enterprises of Moscow and Russia. 85 names of products of a functional purpose are developed for adult population: the preventive, enriched products, including with the lowered maintenance of fat, products for preventive maintenance of diseases of cardiovascular system and the impellent device.

The list of clients:

1. Joint-Stock Company "Meat-packing plant" Tihoretsky »;
2. Open Company "Vostryakovo-2";
3. Joint-Stock Company "Boor Fuds";
4. LLC “uniMilk";
5. Open Company "Hipp";
6. Open Company «Factory of baby food of Faustovo»;
7. Open Company «Ivanovo industrial complex of baby food»;
8. Open Company «Novouralsk meat industrial complex»;
9. Open Company "Meat-packing plant" Sava »;
10. Open Society «the Meat-packing plant Klinsky»;
11. Open Society "Tsarina's";
12. Open Company «Old Russian meat court yard»;
14. Open Company MPP "Veles";
15. Open Company «Dymovsky sausage manufacture»;
16. Open Society «Ostankinsky meat-processing industrial complex»;
17. Open Company «Meat House of Borodino»;
18. Open Company "Snejana+D";
19. Joint-Stock Company "Vimm-bill-Dann", etc.


The laboratory chief: Andrey Dydykin, candidate of technical sciences, the senior lecturer
Ph. / a fax: +7(495) 676-7541, Ph.:+7 (495 676-9618, +7(495) 676-6201
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
The assistant manager laboratory: Olga Derevitskaya
Ph.: +7(495) 676-9618
The main research assistant: Alexandra Ustinova
Ph.: +7(495) 676-7541
The senior research assistant: Marietta Aslanova
Ph.: +7(495) 676-9618
The senior research assistant: Natalia Soldatova
Ph.: +7(495) 676-9618
The younger research assistant: Anastasia Popova
Ph.: +7(495) 676-7541
The younger research assistant: Irina Govor
Ph.: +7(495) 676-6201
The younger research assistant: Olga Zernova
Ph.: +7(495) 676-6201
The younger research assistant: Vasily Shiptsov
Ph.: +7(495) 676-6201


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