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Laboratory of technology of sausages, semifinished products and packing


Laboratory of technology of sausages, semifinished products and packing

The laboratory is one of the oldest laboratories of institute, and has been organized simultaneously with its basis in 1930, since 1953 the laboratory exists as independent scientific division. Already more than 80 years the laboratory is engaged in researches in the field of industrial processing of meat, closely cooperates with various meat-processing enterprises, assists in introduction of the newest technologies and production optimization.

Laboratory activity can be divided on some interconnected directions: working out of new technologies of rational use of raw materials, manufacture of meat products, manufactures and applications of food additives, perfection and expansion of assortment of meat products, packing, working out and perfection of techniques of quality assurance and safety, working out of national standards, standard and engineering specifications on manufacture of meat products, the advisory and practical help to technologists, work on level increase информируемости consumers, contacts to the enterprises of branch and representatives of mass-media.



Over the last 5 years by experts of laboratory are developed:
- 7 national standards on manufacture of boiled sausage products, half-smoked and fried sausages, boiled and half-smoked sausages from a horse-flesh, boiled products from pork;
- 10 methodical grants according to quality of meat products and food additives;
- Over 70 publications, including 9 in foreign editions (Serbia, Denmark, Germany, China, South Korea, etc.);
- Technologies of rational use of domestic pork by manufacture of the cooled semifinished products from the pair and cooled pork and wide assortment of boiled sausage products;
- The list of processing methods on improvement of quality of bloated-boiled products from pork;

Researches in the field of manufacture of sausage products, smoked products, the semifinished products, the spent experts of various divisions of laboratory since the Institute organization, capture a wide range of questions: working out of methods of research and studying of the processes occurring in meat at its processing; optimization and perfection of technological operations of manufacture of meat products (a boning, the ambassador, thermal processing, etc.); studying of is functional-technological properties of food additives and their influence on quality and safety of finished goods and many other things.

In 2005-2006 and applications of new domestic food additives bacteriostatic actions of "Baksolan" the assortment, the production technology have been developed for manufacture of meat products (A.A.Semenova, V.V.Nasonova, etc.).

In 2005-2010 "the barrier" technologies were developed, allowing to develop the pasteurized boiled-smoked sausages of long shelf life at high positive temperatures of storage (A.A.Semenova, L.I.Lebedeva, A.A.Motovilina, G.P.Goroshko, L.A.Veretov, etc.).

In 2007-2009 is functional-technological mixes have been developed for preparation of multicomponent brines of "Inzhekt" (A.A.Semenova, E.K.Tunieva, G.P.Goroshko, etc.).

In 2008-2010 spicy mixes «VNIIMP», used have been developed at manufacture of the half-smoked and fried sausages developed under national standards (A.A.Semenova, V.V.Nasonova, etc.).

In 2008-2010 under the direction of Semenova A.A. the complex problem of rational use of domestic pork in modern conditions of development of meat branch (L.I.Lebedeva, V.V.Nasonov, A.A.Motovilina, G.P.Goroshko, Volkova E.F., Golovanova P. M, Verevkina M. I, Mileenkova E.V., Veretov L.A., Tunieva E.K., Trifonova D.O., Gundyreva M. I, F.V.Holodov, S.A.Gorbatov) dared. Have been developed: assortment and the production technology of the cooled semifinished products unsalted, salted and in marinade from the pair and cooled pork in vacuum packing, with application of a way of a vertical boning; wide assortment boiled sausage products from 23 compoundings, 22 kinds of the meat raw materials received at processing of pigs assuming use, including at increase in use of pork trimming of all grades, including considerable volumes of fat pork, the salted pork fat, brisket, an offal and pork trimmed with a skin; Methodical recommendations about formation of system standard and engineering specifications on products from pork on the basis of the analysis of indicators of quality and the safety of the cooled raw materials including the list of processing methods on improvement of quality of bloated-boiled products, developed from domestic pork, controllable indicators, their values (normalized or recommended) and methods of their definition.


The laboratory chief: Victoria Nasonova, candidate of technical sciences
Ph.: +7(495) 676-6161, +7(495) 676-6551
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
The assistant manager laboratory: Anna Motovilina
Ph.: +7(495) 676-7111


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