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Sector of processing of collateral raw materials and manufacture of animal forages

The laboratory of manufacture of animal forages has been created in 1977 by the Head of laboratory there was a member-correspondent of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Doct. Biol. Sciences, the prof., a member-correspondent of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, the honored worker of a science of the Russian Federation, a member of the New York academy of Sciences of A.I.Snitsar. The laboratory took up the problems of improvement of quality, increases in periods of storage, a granulation of dry feeds of an animal origin, etc.

Following processes and technologies are developed:
- Drying and modernization processes drier blocks by manufacture of dry feeds of an animal origin (A.I.Snitsar, M.A.Kotov, A.A.Belousov);
- The equipment and technology of degreasing of a bone and reception of a bone flour by a vibration method (A.I.Snitsar, G.E.Limonov, I.V.Zenkin, A.N.Jasakov, etc.);
- Technology and means for processing of technical blood and reception of a blood flour by a thermal and vibrating method (A.I.Snitsar, G.E.Limonov, etc.);
- Technology and methods of use of oil cakes endocrinal raw materials, a waste of intestinal manufacture (A.I.Snitsar, L.I.Stekolnikov, N.J.Fedorova, O.I.Lugar, etc.);
- The equipment and process of reception of bone protein (A.I.Snitsar, G.E.Limonov, A.J.Kroha);
- Technology of a fermentation of technical raw materials (A.I.Snitsar, G.S.Kuprijanova);
- Process of clearing of technical fats (A.I.Snitsar, V.N.Rodin);
- The production technology of a fodder product with the raised maintenance каныги (A.I.Snitsar, I.M.Chernuha).

The laboratory prepares and lets out standards, specifications, the collection of technological instructions on manufacture of a fodder flour of an animal origin, fats for the fodder and technical purposes, a fodder albuminous concentrate. It is received 89 copyright certificates and patents. Books were published: A.I.Snitsar, G.E.Limonov, A.I.Minaev «the Directory of the master of shop of technical products» (1985-1 edition; 1996 - 2 edition); A.I.Snitsar, V.M.Morozov, A.I.Minaev «the Directory of the master of fatty shop» (1988); V.I.Ivashov, A.I.Snitsar, I.M.Chernuha «Biotechnology and an estimation of quality of animal forages» (1991).

For the reached successes in development of national economy employees of laboratory led by A.I.Snitsar are awarded by 9 medals of the All-Russia Exhibition Centre. To a group of authors with A.I.Snitsar and G.E.Limonov participation for working out, development of manufacture and introduction of the in a complex-mechanized lines of processing of a bone on the basis of vibrating ex-tractors the Governmental order of the Russian Federation from January, 16th, 1996 awards the Award of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Since 2000 laboratory, and now sector of processing of secondary raw materials and manufacture of animal forages the senior lecturer M.I.Baburina heads.

Now experts of sector, for the purpose of rational recycling of an accumulating large quantity of a fatty waste and improvement of ecological conditions on meat-processing plants, have developed the production technology of liquid biofuel from fat-containing raw materials of the meat industry for a motor car park of the enterprises of meat branch and agricultural machinery (M.I.Baburina, D.G.Gorohov, A.N.Ivankin).

VNIIMP of V.M.Gorbatov at 9th Russian agroindustrial exhibition "Mellow autumn" award by a silver medal and the diploma for working out of ecologically safe technology of biofuel, and also a medal and the diploma at 7th International specialized exhibition «the biotechnology-2009 World» for working out of an alternative kind of fuel from a fat-containing waste of the food-processing industry.

The further work of sector in the given direction will consist in introduction of the developed technology of biodiesel fuel from animal fats and a fatty waste at the enterprises of meat branch.

Perspective problem of sector is working out of technology of reception of a fodder crystal lysine with a high exit from not food raw materials of an animal origin for the purpose of enrichment of fodder diets of agricultural animals.


Managing sector: Marina Baburina, candidate of technical sciences
Ph.: +7(495) 676-7051
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