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Laboratory of economic problems of the meat industry


Laboratory of economic problems of the meat industry

Throughout the activity the laboratory was engaged in scientific researches in following directions: geographical placing of the enterprises of branch, working out of long-term plans of development of branch, a substantiation of technical and economic indicators of industrial activity, the decision of problems of the organization of work and its payment.

In the sixties of the XX-th centuries the laboratory has been transformed to department of economic researches which structure included laboratories of forecasting, planning, rationing and the scientific organization of work, accounting.

The laboratory of economic problems of the meat industry in the today's kind exists since January, 1994 as the assignee of department of economic researches, and is leading research division of institute on problems of economy of meat branch of the Russian Federation.



The general directions of scientific and industrial activity of laboratory now:
- Forecasting of development of the meat industry in the conditions of action of market relations for the purpose of maintenance of food safety of Russia;
- Perfection principles of calculation cost prices of meat and meat products;
- Reforming of substantive provisions on pricing in the meat industry taking into account objective qualitative characteristics of the products developed at the enterprises of branch;
- Working out of economic aspects of increase of production efficiency in branch at the expense of increase of depth of processing of all kinds of the basic, collateral raw materials and a waste;
- Working out of the rational scheme of placing of the enterprises of meat branch in territory of the Russian Federation;
- Working out of bases of the administrative account and a substantiation of its role in acceptance of administrative decisions;
- Formation of integration communications of the enterprises of agriculture and the meat industry;
- Working out of methodical positions on work rationing, perfection of forms of the organization, rationing and payment.

Besides, employees of laboratory spend working out of additions to technological instructions, and to other standard documents by calculation of norms and specifications of exits, factors consumer’s costs, factors for calculations of the cost price and economic efficiency of technical in branch technical and technological workings out.

On a contractual basis the laboratory carries out the following list of works for the branch enterprises:
- Calculation of individual norms of the exits developed at the enterprises by results of control processing and actually developed exits;
- Calculations of norms of expenses of work on operations fat- and meat-processing manufactures;
- Definition of the integrated labor input on production principal views;
- Calculations of number of the basic and auxiliary workers;
- Schemes of arrangement of workers on sites of the basic manufacture;
- Definition of numerical and vocational structure of the administrative personnel of the enterprise (heads, experts and other employees);
- Definition of optimum structure of operation of business, structure and number of the basic divisions of management personnel;

On the basis of the educational center of VNIIMP are spent seminars-studies on improvement of professional skill for employees of economic services of the enterprises of meat branch (2 times a year), and also individual training (under the arrangement) for the purpose of training or improvement of professional skill on questions:
- Introductions of the administrative and industrial account;
- Workings out of the business plan of the enterprise and budgeting principles;
- Perfection methods of calculation and pricings;
- Definitions of specifications of number of workers;
- Rationing of work and recommendations about salary calculation.

Scientific and industrial achievements

On the basis of the spent researches for last five years a number of methodical and standard documents which can be used in practice of work of the enterprises is prepared: new methodical instructions under the account of expenses and calculation cost prices of meat and meat products, the collection of norms and specifications of expenses of work on manual operations in sausage manufacture, 3 additions to technical documentation on norms of exits and factors of consumer’s costs at beef and pork cutting, a directory of indicators of consumer properties of meat and meat products, methodical recommendations about transfer of meat products in a principal view of production of the meat industry (meat on bones).
With the assistance of employees of laboratory it is prepared Branch Department programs «Development of primary processing of cattle for 2010-2012».

The forecast of development of the meat industry of the Russian Federation for prospect till 2020 is developed.

4 competitive themes under the contract with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation are executed:
- Carrying out of scientific researches and working out of the rational scheme of placing of the enterprises of meat branch (the contract № 1753/13 from 24.11.2008)
- The condition analysis, the forecast of development and working out of offers on the state support of primary processing of cattle and meat manufacture in the Russian Federation for the period till 2011 (contract №1710/13 from 12.08.2009)
- To carry out the all-round analysis of a condition of technical base of the enterprises for primary processing of cattle and to develop taking into account raw maintenance the rational scheme of placing of the hi-tech enterprises in areas of active conducting animal industries (the contract № 1342/13 from 08.09.2008)
- To carry out the complex analysis of use of meat raw materials by manufacture of meat production and to develop branch factors of transfer of meat products in production principal view (meat on bones) (the contract № 2415/13 from November, 25th, 2009).

By results of 2010 the laboratory of economic problems has been awarded by the award of V.M.Gorbatov for the most significant scientific-theoretical and scientifically-practical contribution to an institute portfolio.

For the last years the laboratory carried out economic workings out for the enterprises of branch for calculations of the cost price of meat and meat products, to pricing problems on all kinds of production, to rationing of work with definition of number of executors. Works were spent at following enterprises of branch: Joint-Stock Company «the Meat-packing plant Klinsky», Open Society "Tsarina's", Open Company MPZ "CampoMos", Open Company "Meat-packing plant Pavlovskaya Sloboda », Open Company« Pushkin meat court yard»


The laboratory chief: Nina Neburchilova, c.e.s., the senior lecturer
Ph.: +7(495) 676-6731
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
The senior research assistant: Tatyana Marinina
The senior research assistant: Irina Petrunina
The younger research assistant: Irina Volynskaya


- Activities
- Regulatory documents
- Proposals for Industry
- Achievements
- Publications

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