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Gutnik Boris

Surname: Gutnik
Name: Boris
Date of birth: on January, 13th, 1933
Formation: the Moscow institute of technology of the meat and dairy industry.
Work place:
1956 – 1958 the replaceable engineer of the Moscow chemical factory of the Ministry of the industry of articles of food;
1958 – 1960 the master, the manager. Manufacture of sausage factory, the foreman of the refrigerator OstankinskyMeat-processing plant;
1960 – 1966 of the deputy the manager, the manager. Manufacture of meat semifinished products of procurement factory Central administrative board of public catering of the Moscow Executive Committee of the City Soviet of People's Deputies;
1966 – 1968 the senior engineer of Central administrative board of meat industry of Ministry of meat and milk industries of the USSR;
1968 – 1982 the main technologist, the chief of department of Management of meat industry of Ministry of meat and milk industries of the USSR;
1982 – 1986 the deputy chief of Management-chief of department of Management of meat industry of Ministry of meat and milk industries of the USSR;
1986 – 1989 of the deputy the chief of section of preparations, processing of cattle, poultry and manufacture of meat production of State Agricultural Committee of the USSR;
1989 – 2010 – deputy director of VNIIMP on economic relations and marketing;
Since 2010 on the present – the chief specialist on public relations of ВНИИМП of V.M.Gorbatov.




Honorary titles, awards:
Award «Honour Sign» (1980)
Medal «Veteran of work» (1987)
Sign «For merits in standardization»
Medal «In memory of the 850 anniversary of Moscow» (1997)
The certificate of honor of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences
The certificate of honor of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (2000).
Area scientific and practical activities:
Is the Vice-president of Technical committee № 226 «Meat and meat products», Gosstandart of Russia; a member of a commission of experts of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on quality of foodstuff; supervises over working out of branch technical regulations: «About requirements to meat and meat products, their manufacture and a turn»; is the active participant on effective realization «the Government program of development of agriculture and regulation of the markets of agricultural production, raw materials and the foodstuffs for 2008-2012»; the organizer and the head of the majority of competitions-reviews of quality of meat production at constantly operating agrarian exhibitions of Russia; the frequent visitor of the Russian television, where tells to listeners how correctly to define quality of a product at purchase as the prices for a product depending on quality and cost of the raw materials, used materials, correct observance of technology are formed.
Publications, patents:
In total about 80 printing works on questions of technics and technology of sausage, semimanufactured and canning manufacture, 17 copyright certificates and patents.
Under Gutnika’sgeneral edition in 1984 the Directory on meat cutting, manufacture of semifinished products and fast-frozen ready dishes »is published«; the coauthor of books «Directory of the technologist of sausage manufacture» (1993), «Technical-chemistry control of manufacture of meat and meat products» (1999), «Modern aspects of thermal conservation of meat products» (2007).

Яндекс цитирования Яндекс.Метрика