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Orlova Olga

Surname: Orlova
Name: Olga
Date of birth: on July, 17th, 1959
Formation: the Rostov institute of a national economy
Scientific degree: Cand.Econ.Sci.
Work place:
- 1980-1982 the economist of laboratory of processing of blood of North Caucasian branch of VNIIMP;
- 1982-1988 the younger research assistant of laboratory of technology of meat and meat products of North Caucasian branch of VNIIMP;
- 1988-1996 the senior research assistant of laboratory of technology of meat and meat products of North Caucasian branch of VNIIMP;
- Since September, 1996 - on the present the director of North Caucasian branch of VNIIMP.
- Diploma ЭК № 2026650 Cand.Econ.Sci.;
- The certificate of honor of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (2000);
- The certificate of honor of the Russian academy of Agricultural sciences (2005).
Only 39 publications.

Яндекс цитирования Яндекс.Метрика